

adjective par·tic·u·lar \pə(r)-ˈti-kyə-lər, -k(ə-)lər\

—used to indicate that one specific person or thing is being referred to and no others

: special or more than usual

: having very definite opinions about what is good or acceptable

Full Definition of PARTICULAR

:  of, relating to, or being a single person or thing <the particular person I had in mind>
obsolete :  partial
:  of, relating to, or concerned with details <gave us a very particular account of the trip>
a :  distinctive among other examples or cases of the same general category :  notably unusual <suffered from measles of particular severity>
b :  being one unit or element among others <particular incidents in a story>
a :  denoting an individual member or subclass in logic
b :  affirming or denying a predicate to a part of the subject —used of a proposition in logic <“some men are wise” is a particular affirmative>
a :  concerned over or attentive to details :  meticulous <a very particular gardener>
b :  nice in taste :  fastidious
c :  hard to please :  exacting


Middle English particuler, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin particularis, from Latin particula small part
First Known Use: 14th century

Synonym Discussion of PARTICULAR

circumstantial, minute, particular, detailed mean dealing with a matter fully and usually point by point. circumstantial implies fullness of detail that fixes something described in time and space <a circumstantial account of our visit>. minute implies close and searching attention to the smallest details <a minute examination of a fossil>. particular implies a precise attention to every detail <a particular description of the scene of the crime>. detailed stresses abundance or completeness of detail <a detailed analysis of the event>.

special, especial, specific, particular, individual mean of or relating to one thing or class. special stresses having a quality, character, identity, or use of its own <special ingredients>. especial may add implications of preeminence or preference <a matter of especial importance>. specific implies a quality or character distinguishing a kind or a species <children with specific nutritional needs>. particular stresses the distinctness of something as an individual <a ballet step of particular difficulty>. individual implies unequivocal reference to one of a class or group <valued each individual opinion>.



: a specific detail or piece of information

Full Definition of PARTICULAR

archaic :  a separate part of a whole
a :  an individual fact, point, circumstance, or detail <a hero in every particular — Ron Fimrite>
b :  a specific item or detail of information —usually used in plural <wanted to know all the particulars of the incident> <bill of particulars>
a :  an individual or a specific subclass (as in logic) falling under some general concept or term
b :  a particular proposition in logic
in particular
:  in distinction from others :  specifically

First Known Use of PARTICULAR

15th century

Synonym Discussion of PARTICULAR

item, detail, particular mean one of the distinct parts of a whole. item applies to each thing specified separately in a list or in a group of things that might be listed or enumerated <every item on the list>. detail applies to one of the small component parts of a larger whole such as a task, building, painting, narration, or process <leave the details to others>. particular stresses the smallness, singleness, and especially the concreteness of a detail or item <a description that included few particulars>.
IN PARTICULAR Defined for Kids


adjective par·tic·u·lar \pər-ˈti-kyə-lər\

Definition of PARTICULAR for Kids

:  relating to one person or thing <Each city has its particular problems.>
:  not usual :  special <Pay particular attention to correct spelling.>
:  having strong opinions about what is acceptable <He's very particular about food.>
:  being one of several <Which particular bike would you like?>
:  concerned about details <Our teacher is very particular.>
par·tic·u·lar·ly adverb
in particular
:  that can be specifically named <I wasn't referring to anyone in particular.>
:  more specially than others :  especially <She loves flowers and roses in particular.>



Definition of PARTICULAR for Kids

:  a single fact or detail <The account was correct in every particular.>


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